EP 413 | Earth, Water, Fire, Metal and Wood with Lisa Morton
January 28, 2025
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After a decade of designing private jet interiors, designer Lisa Morton had an ugly meltdown. Her health and well-being were hanging on by a thread. She discovered a holistic approach to design and began her studies into Feng Shui. Now a master teacher, she believes this is an excellent area of study for design professionals to consider, as younger generations are becoming increasingly concerned with the aspects of wellness.
In this episode we learn:
- being intentional with selections for your clients means less “fast furniture” and more pieces of value and worth
- the front door is key to a home’s energy, so light the entrance well, add comforting elements such as a carpet, and include live greens
- the water element improves fluidity so bring it into workspaces by introducing blues or blacks, wavy patterns, water features or water images
- add earth elements like brick, stone or clay to ground spaces for clients (or designers) who are stressed out such as brick, stone, or clay
- warm up winter with fire elements such as animal prints, triangular shapes and pops of red or fuchsia
No job is worth the price of your happiness. If you are a perfectionist, you may hold on to jobs that don’t support your wellbeing. Say no when the clients aren’t a good fit.
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