Letting Go
May 3, 2017
Letting go of items that have sentimental to you can be challenging. Just ask me about the pink flamingo.
When Our family moved from a big house into a smaller condo, I struggled, just like my clients sometimes do, with letting go of items. That lead me to hire expert help and I called Downsizing Diva. They suggested I take photos of anything I thought I might miss. Turns out, that was a brilliant solution. I remember vividly when friends delivered a 5′ tall flamingo to us after Raleigh’s birth. This photo of me holding the storks bundle, makes me laugh. Having to store the 5 foot stork that was attached to it would have been problematic as we’ve moved a couple of times. And, it’s hardly something I would display prominently in my living room.
Sometimes you need to know when to hire expert help and, to take their advice.