EP 007 | Karen Shinn & Gail Sheilds on Downsizing & Working With Seniors

May 2, 2017

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Working with seniors and the elderly can be a rewarding way to build a niche, but to do this work successfully, the design professional requires a distinct set of skills. Downsizing Diva can coordinate a move from start-to-finish, get a house ready to be staged, clear estates or drop in for a WOW session (Work on Whatever it takes) to begin the task of downsizing and organizing.

In this episode we learn:
– what downsizing is, and when it occurs
– why it can feel great to downsize
– how language can impact varied age groups differently
– most important factor when decorating or designing for a client over the age of 70
– specific tips for working with seniors


Take Aways

Design Tips for working with seniors

  1. Use high contrast colors, especially at transitions such as stairways and thresholds.
  2. Light every area well. This works for everyone!
  3. Avoid shiny surfaces for floors, which lead the elderly to think there is water spilt or a slick surface.
  4. Choose colors only after the client sees them, as older eyes see color differently sometimes.

The Diva’s book, GO! The Essential Guide to Organizing and Moving

To learn more about specializing in senior design and downsizing: NASMM (National Association of Senior Move Managers).

Karen Shinn and Gail Sheilds are co-founders of Downsizing Diva, the FIRST Canadian company to be accredited NASMM A+ by the National Association of Senior Move Managers. They are Certified Senior Move Managers, Certified Professional Consultants on Aging (CPCA), Gold Leaf Member of Professional Organizers in Canada (POC) and Alzheimer Society Trained.

The pair are also international speakers and co-producers of The Toronto Caregiver Show—Ontario Science Centre, June 9, 2017.

When it comes to downsizing and moving, these Divas have been there and done that!

Downsizing Diva can coordinate a move from start-to-finish, get a house ready to be staged, clear estates or drop in for a WOW session and Work on Whatever it takes to begin downsizing and organizing.

When you are ready to go from overwhelmed to overjoyed, you’re ready for Downsizing Diva.


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