BOD™ BOSS | Member Update


BEFORE YOU BEGIN | Please note that in order to complete your member update, you will be asked to upload the following items: 3 photos of 2 projects, your Boss Financials spreadsheet, and a copy of your contract (Meeting #1 only). Have these items ready before you begin.


    Complete the following by sharing the number of projects you started, currently have active, in pursuit (actively marketing), and completed during the last 6-month period specified for your next meeting.
  • StartedActiveIn PursuitCompleted
  • StartedActiveIn PursuitCompleted
  • StartedActiveIn PursuitCompleted
  • StartedActiveIn PursuitCompleted
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
  • Please enter a number from 0 to 100.
  • Check all that apply.
  • Specify the number for each category.
    Employees (more than 30 hours)Employees (less than 30 hours)Contractors (outsourced work)
  • Use the last 6-month period specified for your next meeting. If you do not accurately track your time, please estimate the number of hours.
    Design TasksBillable AdminProfessional DevelopmentNon-Billable Tasks

    Complete the following by sharing your past goals and their current status, plus your future goals and the system(s) you will implement to achieve them.
  • Share a non-financial goal that you set during the past 6 months and its current status.
  • Share a non-financial goal that you set during the past 6 months and its current status.
  • Share a financial goal that you set during the past 6 months and its current status.
  • Share a non-financial goal you would like to accomplish during the next 6 months and the system(s) you will implement to achieve it.
  • Share a non-financial goal you would like to accomplish during the next 6 months and the system(s) you will implement to achieve it.
  • Share a financial goal you would like to accomplish during the next year and the system(s) you will implement to achieve it.
  • Share a financial goal you would like to accomplish during the next 3 years and the system(s) you will implement to achieve it.

    Complete the following by sharing information about other aspects of your life over the last 6-month period specified for your next meeting.

    Show off your work. Share photographs from two recently completed projects. You will share highlights about each project as part of your BOD™ BOSS Update Presentation.
  • Name of Project
  • Upload 3 photos of this project. Please make the image file name match the project name. If you have any issues uploading images, please email them as attachments to [email protected].
    Drop files here or
    Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 3.
    • Name of Project
    • Upload 3 photos of this project. Please make the image file name match the project name. If you have any issues uploading images, please email them as attachments to [email protected].
      Drop files here or
      Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 5 MB, Max. files: 3.

        Complete the following by sharing information about the tools and resources you use in your office.
      • Provide the name and description of one new software program or app that you've started using in the last 6 months.
      • Provide the name and description of one new product that has enhanced your business or projects in the last 6 months.
      • What is your best resource for marketing or lead generation in the last 6 months.
      • Provide one business tip that you've learned from experience that has improved your business in the last 6 months.

        Please upload the following documents as part of your BOD™ BOSS Update package. If you have any issues uploading, please email these documents as attachments to [email protected].
      • Upload your completed Boss Financials spreadsheet for the 6-month period(s) specified for your meeting. You must use the template provided and upload in excel format. If you have trouble uploading, please email file directly to [email protected].
        Max. file size: 5 MB.
      • Upload the most recent version of your contract or contracts if you use both hourly and flat fee methods. Both word and PDF are accepted. For Team BOD™ review purposes only. If you have trouble uploading, please email file directly to [email protected].
        Max. file size: 5 MB.
      • Need to Save & Continue Later?

        When you click on Save & Continue Later, you must wait for the page to reload. Then save the Custom URL provided, or email it to yourself for easy access. The email may take several minutes to arrive in your inbox or may be filtered into your spam folder. Please do no close the page containing the Custom URL until you have it saved. Team BOD™ does not have access to recover your saved form.