KOHLER Unlocking Bold Innovation | KBIS Las Vegas
Join Laura Kohler and Kimberley Seldon, as they discuss how we use innovation and design to be responsive to major trends that influence how we live and work.
Join Laura Kohler and Kimberley Seldon, as they discuss how we use innovation and design to be responsive to major trends that influence how we live and work.
An intensive 2-day seminar where interior design professionals learn specific, detailed systems, protocols, and strategies to successfully run projects, improve profitability and satisfy clients.
In partnership with BOD™ Member, Jodie Carter, and hosted by Boyd Blue.
You love what you do and you are good at it. But guess what? You deserve to be paid for it, too. Not only that, but you deserve to be paid well. In this seminar, we’re going to talk about Salary, which is the fixed, regular payment you receive for your hard work as an interior design professional. Sounds simple, but do you know what most designers are earning? Not what they are charging…
In light of the changing economy, Business of Design® presents a 2-hour webinar featuring Julia Nikishina of New Age Financial Consulting LLC, hosted by Kimberley Seldon. We'll look at the key financial aspects to consider and plan for in the event the economy takes a downtown.
For the past few years, most design professionals have been riding high on economic tailwinds, powered by the Covid pandemic and our clients' desires to improve their living spaces. While none of us has a crystal ball, it's a good bet the economy will change and those tailwinds will become headwinds. Being prepared for that moment is essential for the business owner who intends to not only survive the changing economy, but continue to thrive.
At Business of Design®, we spend a lot of time talking about money. It’s not because money is the only thing that matters to us. Not at all. However, a business that isn’t profitable is doomed. To run a successful interior design business (the one you dreamed of owning when you started out), you must gain mastery over money.
Join us for this month’s BOD Live where we’ll talk about custom lighting.
We’ll be joining by BOD™ Members, Michelle Burbidge (Ciana Lighting) and Genevieve Wild (Wildly Illuminating), to discuss why you should never leave your lighting plan up to the electrician and how lighting can transform and elevate a space. By educating ourselves, we can educate our clients, levelling up our game as designers and adding to project profitability.
Attention UK Designers! If you're a past, present, or future member of Business of Design®, join us for a virtual coffee date on Thursday, October 12th at 3pm BST.
If you listen to the podcast and think, "that won't work for me here," join us. You'll have the opportunity to connect with other BOD™ Members and design peers in the UK who are using the BOD15 to run thriving businesses. Our systems work, but sometimes you need to hear it for yourself.
Join us for this month's BOD Live where we'll talk about logging your billable hours effectively.
If your clients are questioning the tasks you perform on their behalf, or arguing about design fees, or you’re simply at a point where you want to grow your profits, then it’s time to transform the process of logging hours into a simpler one – one that is far more effective.
Find out what it takes to be a BOD™ BOSS and how this unique opportunity is available to qualified applicants. Join Business of Design®'s Director of Operations, Cheryl Horne, for a 1-hour virtual "all questions answered" session.
Join BOD™ Director of Operations, Cheryl Horne, for a behind the scenes look at Business of Design® Membership. If you're thinking about joining, this is your opportunity to get a sneak peek of how the programs are organized, best practices for working through the video modules, and asking any questions you have about what's included or program content.
Please register for this free, 30-minute zoom call.
Join us for this month's BOD Live where we'll talk about salary and the benefits of paying yourself first.
During this member meeting, we’re going to talk about your Salary, which is the fixed, regular payment you receive for your hard work as an interior design professional. Sounds simple, but do you know what most designers are earning? Not what they are charging…. what they are earning? Every full-time interior design professional deserves a salary that is six figures. Year after year, without fail. That’s the goal. If you are not already hitting that figure, let's get you there.
Join Business of Design® Advocate in Chief, Kimberley Seldon, for Be the Expert. Confidence in your expertise is the first step in creating the successful interior design business you deserve and desire. By building confidence, you’ll be able to honor your value, charge appropriate fees and generate profit year after year. From the position of expert, you can confidently offer your talents and skills to the clients you serve, and earn a robust living.
Join us for this month's BOD Live where BOD™ Business Partner, Sierra Collins, will take us from aspiration to accomplishment in 2024.
If you're in search of strategies to escape the never-ending cycle of setting goals and then feeling frustrated by unmet expectations, this BOD Live event is the perfect fit for you! Join us and don't miss the chance to not only discover the secrets of SMARTER goal-setting but also the critical steps to take after you've set your goals, ensuring that your aspirations become genuine accomplishments. Your journey to achieving your objectives starts here!
At this month’s BOD Live meeting, we’ll be lead by BOD™ Business Partner, Porsche Williams of The Prototype, in a conversation about cultivating strategic partnerships in the interior design industry.
Insert laughter, smirks, and relatable cringing in your day during this entertaining, engaging panel discussion. Join us at the stage…
Join us on Friday, March 8th as we celebrate empowered women, empowering women while navigating the balancing act of business and life in the 21st century , all in honour of International Women's Day.