EP 149 | BOD™ Conference Take Aways with Kimberley Seldon

January 29, 2020

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Kimberley shares insights from Business of Design™ Conference | Las Vegas.

In this episode we learn:

  • why an operations manual is right for you
  • why a checklist for ordering custom furniture will change your life
  • how important it is to stay on the beam and not break your own rules
  • why you need to be confident, to be the expert
  • you can make seven figures as a design professional


Take Aways

Check out past issues of Dabble Magazine.


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BOD & You

As interior design professionals, we LOVE our work because it matters so much. We want our clients to get our best every time, because it’s going to affect the way they live for years to come. But doing our best work isn’t possible if we can’t dedicate ourselves to it. And we can’t dedicate ourselves to it if doesn’t earn us a living.

Business of Design™ is the best professional advice and business coaching available, and it’s just for you. Our mission is to liberate your talent and skill by showing you how to run a business that supports you, empowers you, and lets you love your work again.


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