EP 420 | Community with Laurie Laizure

March 18, 2025

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Building strong connections opens up new opportunities and drives business growth. The Interior Design Community embodies this idea. Today’s guest, Laurie Laizure shares her experience in supporting the interior design field by connecting designers and nurturing those relationships.

In this episode we learn:

  • focus on video marketing, targeted toward your ideal client
  • reconsider self-naming your business, as it might impede a future sale
  • there are enough clients in the 1% for every designer to have 7 jobs annually
  • use your platform to address potential clients’ concerns upfront

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About Laurie Laizure

Laurie is the founder of Interior Design Community, a thriving place where those working in the interior design and home decor industry connect to learn, share, and grow their businesses.

We feel accomplished when two people we’ve introduced meet and help one another get better. As an industry, we struggle with so many of the same issues, regardless of whether you are from Boston or Bangladesh.

Laurie loves good books, stiff cocktails, sunsets on beaches, and traveling abroad. She also loves meeting new people and having interesting conversations.


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