EP 075 | Considering Cruelty-Free Design with Deborah Rosenberg
August 27, 2018
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Sustainability has been a buzzword in the design world for years and it makes sense that we want to offer our clients options that are earth friendly. In this episode we take that commitment to another level as Kimberley explores ethical (non-animal source) options for leather and fur with a “vegan designer”.
In this episode we learn:
– ethical options exist, making it easy to offer this to clients
– in some cases the price point is higher, but that won’t deter all clients
– ethical design may be a worthwhile niche to add to your existing offerings
Take Aways
Three places to start introducing ethical offerings to clients:
- Faux leather comes in a multitude of colours and patterns, simulating ostrich, crocodile and cow leather.
- Area carpets can be made from the pulp of Eucalyptus trees (Tencel Lyocell) or banana leaves (banana silk).
- Down alternatives are free of allergens.

Design Intervention
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