EP 075 | Considering Cruelty-Free Design with Deborah Rosenberg

August 27, 2018

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Sustainability has been a buzzword in the design world for years and it makes sense that we want to offer our clients options that are earth friendly.  In this episode we take that commitment to another level as Kimberley explores ethical (non-animal source) options for leather and fur with a “vegan designer”.

In this episode we learn:
– ethical options exist, making it easy to offer this to clients
– in some cases the price point is higher, but that won’t deter all clients
– ethical design may be a worthwhile niche to add to your existing offerings


Take Aways

Three places to start introducing ethical offerings to clients:

  1. Faux leather comes in a multitude of colours and patterns, simulating ostrich, crocodile and cow leather.
  2. Area carpets can be made from the pulp of Eucalyptus trees (Tencel Lyocell) or banana leaves (banana silk).
  3. Down alternatives are free of allergens.
Project by Kimberley Seldon Design Group.
Image provided by client of their girls using the space.


Design Intervention

Take the Accredited Vegan Design Course!

The Vegan Design 101 Course is the only 5 star ★★★★★ rated course that teaches you about healthy, eco-friendly & humane furniture, fabrics & décor. IDCEC Accredited for 7.5 CEUs.

Use promo code BOD20 and save 20%.



Deborah is an accomplished vegan design expert, luxury interior decorator, published author, TV personality, educational speaker, wife, mother of 3 (including fur baby Lucca) and global influencer for the vegan design movement.

Deborah founded the ultra-luxury interior design firm, DiMare Design, over 15 years ago and after becoming aware of the inhumane treatment of animals in the skins & fur industry, transitioned her firm to become the first 100% vegan interior design practice. Her knowledge and passion in saving the lives of animals, educating others on vegan design & teaching businesses how to cater to the profitable and growing vegan market, led to the creation of a global educational platform, Certified Cruelty Free. This internationally recognized organization, offers an accredited online course, taught by Deborah herself, and a registered trademark-licensing program for vegan products and/or companies. Certified Cruelty Free has quickly become known as the go-to resource for all things cruelty-free, offering a free online resource guide, community forum, blog & more.

Deborah and her vegan design expertise have been featured on the Today Show, NBC, TLC and in the pages of The Huffington Post, Ocean Drive, VegNews and PETA’s blog. Deborah and her family reside in Miami, FL and when Deborah is not writing or teaching, you can find her paddle-boarding and playing on the beach with her daughters and puppy, Lucca.



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