EP 143 | Creative Boost with Donald M. Rattner

December 17, 2019

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It’s possible to boost the creative talents of designers—and the clients they work—by tapping into scientific triggers for creativity. Architect Donald M. Rattner shares the science behind enhanced creativity.

In this episode we learn:

  • creative triggers can be physical or intellectual
  • your own workspace can be adjusted to assist and support creative power
  • there are colors that can assist how much creativity we tap into
  • how we are oriented in a room can impact creativity
  • curved shapes put us in a more creative mind
  • research says we are at our creative peak between 9 am – 1 pm
  • stress is the number one creativity killer
  • consider idea seeding—allowing your brain to work on a creative problem during sleep


Design Intervention

Donald’s best piece of business advice comes from an old Bob Dylan song: “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.” Applied to Business of Design™ it means you don’t need to be a cultural forecaster to understand that creativity and innovation are going to become a more coveted skill set in the 21st century economy, and that you can differentiate your practice by being able to deliver spaces to clients (and yourself) that will tangibly boost creative output.


Take Aways

Evaluate your own creative space:

  1. What aspects of the space support (or hinder) your ability to turn out a creative work product that client’s value? List the pros and cons of the space in terms of your creative output.
  2. Of the things that hold you back, come up with three ideas for altering the condition so as to improve your idea flow.
  3. Implement and test each idea over several weeks to decide if you want to implement it permanently.
  4. Review past projects where you designed a dedicated creative space for a residential client—a home office, a kitchen. Ask them how well the space has served their creative needs, and if there is anything, they can suggest for making it even more effective.
  5. Keep a daily journal of when and where you get good ideas.

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Donald M. Rattner is the founder and principal of Donald M. Rattner, Architect, a consultancy that draws on scientific research to help individuals and organizations maximize occupant creativity in workplace, residential, wellness, and retail environments. Educator and author as well as practitioner, Rattner’s publications include My Creative Space: How to Design Your Home to Stimulate Ideas and Spark Innovation, The Creativity Catalog, entries in professional reference books, and numerous contributions to print and online channels.

He has taught at the University of Illinois, New York Academy of Art, New York University, and Parsons School of Design. Workshop and lecture venues include NeoCon, Metrocon, Creative Problem Solving Institute, Creative Mornings, and many others. His work has been featured on CNN and in such publications as The New York Times, Work Design Magazine, Builder, L-Magazine, and Better Humans. He holds a bachelor’s degree in art history from Columbia and a Masters of Architecture from Princeton.


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