EP 389 | Deficiencies with Kimberley Seldon

August 13, 2024

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Something’s gone wrong on the project. Of course something’s gone wrong on the project. It’s a project, so you can rely on errors, omission and upsets. Don’t let it throw you. Deficiencies are part of the business of design.

In this episode we learn:

  • deficiencies are 100% guaranteed to happen
  • it is impossible to prevent most deficiencies from occurring
  • during the project, you and your team will prevent hundreds of deficiencies by maintaining systems
  • deficiencies can be the worst part of the job, stay on top of them



It is impossible to prevent all deficiencies. Tell your clients to expect them and then explain how you will handle them.




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Business of Design® is the world’s best business training for interior design professionals, like you. The Business of Design® podcast offers immediate, actionable strategies and a glimpse, into some of the many field-tested, proven systems you can implement to transform your business and your life.

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