EP 129 | A Partnership for your Design Business with Smith and Ragsdale – Part 2

September 9, 2019

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If you’re a solopreneur, chances are you’ve fantasized about finding a partner who would take on all the challenges of running a business. For these lucky pairs, the fantasy became a reality. In part two of this two part series, we talk to Abby Smith and Abbey Ragsdale about how they make it work and what you should consider before you take a partner.

In this episode we learn:

  • things to avoid when choosing a partner
  • prepare a business plan (partners and solo-preneurs)
  • a partnership creates natural accountability
  • choose a partner with a skillset that differs from your own
  • consider a test run, where you collaborate on a project before officially becoming partners
  • discuss all the contentious issues up front—salary needs and expectations, time off allotments, style of compromise, etc.


Design Intervention

Abby:             Remember that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts.

Abbey:           Listen fully to understand what your partner is saying to you.

About Abby Smith & Abbey Ragsdale

Smith and Ragsdale in an award-winning full-scale interior design firm based in Dallas, Texas and specializing in highly functional kitchens and thoughtfully appointed interiors. We believe that every kitchen, bath and other interior design space has unique solutions achievable through expert planning. Our mission is to design interiors that reflect our client and unique lifestyle. We aim to deliver well-designed spaces in which the function, materials and client experience converge. This is achieved through careful investigation, thoughtful collaboration with our clients and trades, and keen attention to detail from project inception through completion.


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