EP 359 | The Trouble with Delegating with Casey Gromer

January 16, 2024

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Too many interior designers struggle with delegating. Why? Well, for one thing, says our guest, we too often ask for someone to complete a task rather than provide the outcome we want. It’s time to create a high performing, self-managed team.

In this episode we learn:

  • take a GSD staycation (get stuff done)
  • if you’re thinking about delegating, you must also think about accountability
  • an effective leadership team is accountable for outcomes, not just tasks
  • look for repeatable tasks and focus on creating a path for someone else to accomplish the relating goals



Awareness is the greatest agent for change. If we’re not observing or looking for things different solutions, we will never know there’s an option for change.

About Casey Gromer

Casey Gromer is a 20-year business and marketing expert. As an MBA, she is widely regarded as a go-to source for visionary women entrepreneurs. She not only run the ship at work, but she runs the ship at home, too. She’s the mom to 3 very busy children. As founder of C-Suite Boutique, Casey serves women entrepreneurs in an advisory role. Under her leadership, clients have scaled their businesses while working less and spending more time doing things they love.


LinkedIn | www.linkedin.com/in/caseygromer

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