Business of Design® Podcast is unique, because it’s hosted by an interior design professional who is actively practicing (real clients and real budgets) and wildly successful. Isn’t that who you want advice from if you are a professional interior designer, decorator, stager, stylist, landscaper, architect or other creative professional? We know this business is hard, but there is a way to be successful—the Business of Design® way!

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EP 190 | Learning the Hard Way with Courtney Otte

October 6, 2020

Being new to the industry and starting a design business at a young age will definitely teach you some hard…


EP 189 | Well Styled with Margot Austin

September 29, 2020

To create the most compelling photos of your projects, you must do more than just document the space. By working with a team of professionals that includes a photographer and an expert stylist, you’ll be able to produce …


EP 188 | Can you be Friends with Clients? with Isabel Gomez

September 21, 2020

Is it possible to be friends with clients? Belgian designer Isabel Gomez has all the answers and specific reasons why identifying your ideal client is may be the boost your business needs. 


EP 187 | Copy That with Margot Austin and Hillary Smyth

September 14, 2020

Precise and compelling copy that harmonizes with your best images can entertain, inform and delight your audience, but it also needs to establish your authority and brand position. There are specific strategies that will allow you to capture the attention of the clients you want to work with now and in future.


EP 186 | Close the Sale with Nikki Rausch

September 7, 2020

The sales process, whether you love it or hate it, isn’t about you. It’s about the client. Sales coach Nikki Rausch says there is a right way to engage the client and close the sale.


EP 185 | Design Matters with Isabel Gomez

August 31, 2020

Designers don’t just make spaces nice or pretty or even gorgeous, we create experiences that make spaces matter to the people who use those spaces. Whether it’s a bedroom, or a kitchen, an office, a restaurant, or a garden, the work we do improves and enhances the lives of so many others.


EP 184 | Design It, Build It with David Supple

August 17, 2020

When we graduate from a design or architect program and start working, it’s pretty likely our education is only just beginning. Architect, design build expert, David Supple says the insecurity we feel in our first jobs is similar to how you might feel as a chef, if you had never cooked, but had to create recipes.


EP 183 | BOD™ Alert | Protocol Adjustments COVID-19

August 10, 2020

2020 will definitely be one for the history books! As cities and countries wrestle with pandemic challenges, what’s happening to…


EP 182 | Asked and Answered Part 2 with Kimberley Seldon

August 3, 2020

Each month, members of Business of Design™ gather to discuss and resolve their most pressing issues. The questions vary from…


EP 181 | Asked and Answered Part 1 with Kimberley Seldon

July 27, 2020

Each month, members of Business of Design™ gather to discuss and resolve their most pressing issues. The questions vary from…
