Business of Design® Podcast is unique, because it’s hosted by an interior design professional who is actively practicing (real clients and real budgets) and wildly successful. Isn’t that who you want advice from if you are a professional interior designer, decorator, stager, stylist, landscaper, architect or other creative professional? We know this business is hard, but there is a way to be successful—the Business of Design® way!

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MO BOD™ 001 | Jodie Carter & Wish List vs. Budget

December 17, 2020
This content is only available to BOD™ Business members


EP 200 | 200 Pearls of Wisdom with Kimberley Seldon

December 15, 2020

In honor of BOD™ Podcast Episode 200, BOD™ Advocate in Chief, Kimberley Seldon shares 200 pearls of wisdom.


EP 199 | Avoiding Project Fatigue with Kimberley Seldon

December 8, 2020

Exhausted? Who isn’t? Kimberley shares a 5-step process for helping clients avoid project fatigue.  In this episode we learn: set…


EP 198 | Social Media is Digital Word of Mouth with Virginie Martocq

December 1, 2020

There was a time when getting published meant immediate success for the interior design professional. Boy, have things changed! For…


EP 197 | To We or not to We with Kimberley Seldon

November 24, 2020

To We or not to We, that is the question. And who better to answer it than BOD™ Advocate in…


EP 196 | Transformation with Lisa Laliberte-Alle

November 17, 2020

Transformation is possible. However, working harder at current (and ineffective) methods will never produce the dramatic changes that lead to…


EP 195 | Set for Success with 3877

November 10, 2020

How to foster a compassionate—and award-winning—work environment during times of crisis? Business partners Dave Shove-Brown and Dave Tracz say it…


EP 194 | Lessons from Clients with Virginie Martocq

November 3, 2020

Transitioning from publishing interior design shelter magazines into taking on real-life clients wasn’t quite as easy as imagined, says Virginie…


EP 193 | Resilience with Andrew Mitchell

October 27, 2020

When the hits just keep on coming, resilience allows us to persevere. In this episode, we’ll talk interior design coach,…


EP 192 | Operations Manual with Jodie Carter

October 20, 2020

By now, you may be convinced that written, repeatable systems are the key to your success as a business owner.…
