
A fountain of wisdom

Christian Warren - Los Angeles & Memphis

I want to thank you for your incredible work. You have completely changed the game for me…. because of your process I  am more profitable than I could have EVER imagined and I have the confidence to pursue and lead the kinds of projects I want and DESERVE! I really appreciate your generosity of spirit. You are a fountain of wisdom and I  am so eternally grateful to you!

Confidence boost

Sheri Peterson - Victoria, BC

I’ve had my business since 1995 and the BOD™ Salary, Revenue, Profit, Wealth program was my game changer. Thank you also for increasing my confidence, I put my rates up and I’m determined to get bigger jobs now, no more only small ones!

Positive energy and attitude

Ernie Roth - California, USA

The positive energy and attitude of the people of Business of Design™ to help designers develop and build their businesses has always been the central reason I have been a member.

Yup, I was at the first conference

Loretta Kukkonen - ON, Canada

Thank you Kimberley and the BOD™ team for all the support. I have enjoyed being part of BOD™, and seeing how it started (yup, I was at the first conference) to where it is today Nov. 2022. BOD™ has helped me move my business forward to where I can continue on my journey, the next phase. Thank you all!

Thank you

Angela Steyn - Mosman, NSW

I know you hear this all the time, but finding BOD™ was like being tossed a life rope – thank you for all that you do. 

I feel so empowered

Mia Parres - Toronto, ON

I wanted to say thank you for having me on this incredible platform. I feel so empowered by the Business of Design™ as a designer. I plan to sponge up as much information as I can.

A Pot of Gold!

Alaa Yassin - Oakville, ON

I finally took the plunge and purchased the Operations Manual. I don’t think you guys emphasize ENOUGH how valuable this thing is to be honest! This is a pot of GOLD!!! It’s so good that I’m re-watching all the videos of the 15 steps to get it all edited for my company and implement some of the templates into my business management program for automated workflows.

Biggest check I’ve ever received

Alfie Rowan - Knoxville, TN

We worked really hard to follow the 15 steps and present three rooms to completion with all pricing and with a bid from our contractor. Do you know what they wanted to change?!?!! NOT ONE SINGLE THING.

And they handed me the single biggest check I’ve ever received at once from a client. Thank you Kimberley and this group for your wisdom and encouragement and for teaching me to be better and have confidence in my skills, but more importantly for giving us a roadmap on how to be successful! It really does work! (And yes, I even sat on my hands and shut my big mouth). After 15 years of doing it the hard way, I’m finally learning to be a BOD™ Boss! Hope this encourages other old dogs to learn new tricks. Thank you and Cheers!

The foundation of our firm

Yaron Linett - Stephens City, VA

The systems and processes of Business of Design™ are the foundation of our firm and are directly responsible for the level of success we have managed to achieve to date. So too will any future successes be built upon the foundation of Kimberley’s decades of knowledge, experience, and advice.

I wish I found BOD™ sooner

Michele Graham - Baldwinsville, NY

I wanted to say “Thank you!!” for the BOD™ 15 Step Project Management Program. I was so excited to finish that I couldn’t sleep and got up at 4:30 am this morning to finish up. It’s a game-changer – I wish I had found BOD™ sooner. My business has changed so much in the past year and enhanced project management specific to design projects is exactly what I needed.