Business of Design® Podcast is unique, because it’s hosted by an interior design professional who is actively practicing (real clients and real budgets) and wildly successful. Isn’t that who you want advice from if you are a professional interior designer, decorator, stager, stylist, landscaper, architect or other creative professional? We know this business is hard, but there is a way to be successful—the Business of Design® way!

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EP 215 | Direct to Consumers with Adene Lucas

March 30, 2021

Many designers have some type of retail sales component which complements their interior design business. Others are curious as to…


EP 214 | Just Say Yes with Jameelah Davis and Ebonee Clark

March 23, 2021

BOD™ members, Jameelah and Ebonee share how divine (or was it design) intervention brought them together to form their interior…


MO BOD™ 006 | Lindsay, Cathy, Rebecca & Client Dos and Don’ts

March 18, 2021
This content is only available to BOD™ Business members


EP 213 | Curate your Business with Jennifer Jones, hosted by Laura Martin Bovard

March 16, 2021

Just like you curate your designs, it’s possible to curate your business. Be choosy when it comes to staff, clients…


EP 212 | Reinvention with Gillian Crone

March 9, 2021

What happens when your life gets turned upside down unexpectedly? Dig deeper and try new things… says our guest, BOD™…


MO BOD™ 005 | Christine Julian & Client Intake Questionnaire

March 4, 2021
This content is only available to BOD™ Business members


EP 211 | Sales is Helping with Dave Lorenzo

March 2, 2021

Eager for more, great clients? Then, get out there and market your services to those collaborators who can make the…


EP 210 | Help. I Have Staff with Kimberley Seldon

February 23, 2021

If you are busier than ever, or, if you dream of building an empire, chances are you’ve fantasized about hiring…


MO BOD™ 004 | Laura Marin Bovard & Profitability

February 18, 2021
This content is only available to BOD™ Business members


EP 209 | Momentum with Annie Elliott

February 16, 2021

These are, indeed, extraordinary times. Gaining momentum and traction on projects is a bit tricky these days, but DC Designer,…
