Business of Design® Podcast is unique, because it’s hosted by an interior design professional who is actively practicing (real clients and real budgets) and wildly successful. Isn’t that who you want advice from if you are a professional interior designer, decorator, stager, stylist, landscaper, architect or other creative professional? We know this business is hard, but there is a way to be successful—the Business of Design® way!

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EP 091 | Advocating Skills for Your Interior Design Business with Sherry Millien

December 17, 2018

The path to a successful interior design firm is not always linear. Many approach a design career after working successfully…


EP 090 | Barriers To Success with Kimberley Seldon

December 10, 2018

Any barrier to your success is most likely self-imposed. Are you ready and willing to push through to a new…


EP 089 | Balance Is Better with Andrew Mitchell

December 3, 2018

Balance can seem like an unattainable ideal. However, developing the habit of self-assessment and being willing to ask for help…


EP 088 | Holiday Gift Giving with Ashley Uhl

November 26, 2018

Design is a competitive industry filled with thousands of designers who create jaw dropping designs. To stand out, it’s vital…


EP 087 | Google Ads with Faith Sheridan

November 19, 2018

Ever thought about placing a Google ad to attract the right clients? Seattle interior designer Faith Sheridan did more than…


EP 086 | Speaking Gigs With Juliette Palarea – Part 2

November 12, 2018

Stepping in front of an audience to talk about design can be thrilling and terrifying. It can also be a…


EP 085 | How To Apologize with Kimberley Seldon

November 5, 2018

When it’s time to say, “I’m sorry,” to a client, there are strategic ways to make it count. Own it,…


EP 084 | The Power Of Woo Woo with Beth Halstead

October 29, 2018

The formula for success is still 80% business + 20% creative. However, there’s room for some woo woo attributes within…


EP 083 | More Money For Me with Craig Cody – Part 2

October 22, 2018

You are master of your own destiny. You are a business owner. Yes, there are risks to making this choice,…


EP 082 | Kimberley Seldon on Client Talks – Keep In Touch

October 15, 2018

Hear what a client has to say about keeping in touch, building a relationship, and the heartbreak that comes from…
