Business of Design® Podcast is unique, because it’s hosted by an interior design professional who is actively practicing (real clients and real budgets) and wildly successful. Isn’t that who you want advice from if you are a professional interior designer, decorator, stager, stylist, landscaper, architect or other creative professional? We know this business is hard, but there is a way to be successful—the Business of Design® way!

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EP 101 | One Less Problem Without Ya

February 25, 2019

In this solo episode Kimberley shares a recent experience where breaking her own rules turned out to be the worst…


EP 100 | Adam Scougall’s Journey to Full-Time Designer

February 18, 2019

Sydney designer Adam Scougall did what so many budding designers have dreamed about—he made the transition from the corporate world…


EP 099 | Jamie Ivey’s Transition to Flat Fees

February 11, 2019

It seems like everyone is switching from hourly fees to flat fees. Is it as easy as it sounds? Listen…


EP 098 | Sales for your Non-Selly Self with Shawna Beckmann

February 4, 2019

To sustain the work we do as creatives, we must learn to sell ourselves and our services. That isn’t always…


EP 097 | If it isn’t Working, Change it up with BOD Members Elizabeth Scruggs, Christie Leu, and Yaron Linett

January 28, 2019

Sometimes the most difficult habits to break become a super power when you turn them around. If you’ve ever had…


EP 096 | Before Business of Design™ 15 Step Project Management Strategy™ with Lesley Myrick

January 21, 2019

What was it like to work for Kimberley Seldon before she had her systems and procedures in place? In this…


EP 095 | How to Fix a Broken Brand with Nicole Heymer

January 14, 2019

If your potential client is not converting to a paid customer, it’s possible your brand is broken. Fortunately, a brand…


EP 094 | Instagram as a Marketing Platform with Elise Darma

January 7, 2019

If you’re like most designers (Kimberley admits to being guilty of this) you have been thinking about Instagram as a…


EP 093 | Staging Strategies with Nina Doiron

December 31, 2018

Although staging professionals have a unique skill set homeowners and real estate agents benefit from, there are many intersections between…


EP 092 | Kimberley’s 10 Best Business Practices – REPEAT

December 24, 2018

For too long, many of us have acted as if the purpose of our life is to fuel our business,…
