Business of Design® Podcast is unique, because it’s hosted by an interior design professional who is actively practicing (real clients and real budgets) and wildly successful. Isn’t that who you want advice from if you are a professional interior designer, decorator, stager, stylist, landscaper, architect or other creative professional? We know this business is hard, but there is a way to be successful—the Business of Design® way!

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EP 121 | Custom, But Not The Way We’ve Always Done It with Frank Eybsen and Heather Zeilman

July 15, 2019

Business of Design™ knows the success formula for creative professionals is 80% business + 20% creative. Once you get the…


EP 120 | Growing on Your Own with Jaime Galapo

July 8, 2019

If being the boss doesn’t give you perks, then why be the boss? Listen to south Florida designer Jaime Galapo…


EP 119 | Networking for Interior Design Pros with Tania Bell

July 2, 2019

In the design industry it’s paramount to have a quality team of suppliers, trades, manufacturers and makers behind you, to…


EP 118 | How TV and Media Portray the Interior Design Professional with Kimberley Seldon

June 24, 2019

Interior design professionals are frequently lauded in the media for the results we achieve. Too often though, how we achieve…


EP 117 | Never Give Your Power Away with Weston and Cristy Blankenship

June 17, 2019

Yes, you can be a creative and a powerful business owner. Take it from creatives Weston and Cristy Blankenship. They…


EP 116 | Slow Down and Enjoy the Ride with Eric Gorges

June 10, 2019

The only way to hear the still small voice is to slow down. Of course, that’s easier said then done,…


EP 115 | Never Open Bag with Lori Steeves

June 3, 2019

Clients hire an interior design professional for a variety of reasons, but certainly they are looking for direction and guidance.…


EP 114 | Mindfulness for the Interior Design Professional with Kimberley Seldon

May 27, 2019

In this episode, Kimberley explores her personal search for mindfulness. Is this a tool that can be used to keep…


EP 113 | A Super Mom Powers Her Interior Design Business with Lindsay Kjellberg

May 20, 2019

Many people think being a parent is the toughest job there is—even tougher than running a design firm! In this…


EP 112 | What Not To Do with Layers and Layers

May 13, 2019

Our suppliers and trusted resource providers can offer a wealth of insight into how to run our businesses more efficiently…
